Expanding Expanded Cinema
July 13 - 29, 2018
Thirdroom (Portland, Oregon, USA)

Group exhibition curated by Nicole Baker, Vanessa Englund & Kalaija Mallery. Featuring work by DB Amorin, Nicole Baker, Christina Smiros, Rachel Wolf, Jenifer Yeuroukis.

“This is an exhibition of expanded cinema, interpreted as we please for the digital era. We deconstruct linear narratives, incorporate performance, encourage participation, break cinema down to pure light and image, and beyond. This is DIY spectacle, home-grown razzle dazzle.

This exhibition is not about boundaries, it is about transgression through media. We will further expand the idea of expanded cinema.”


huli (don’t you ever wonder where the boys in us went), 2018
UV reactive paint, fluorescent UV light bulbs, single-channel video

“for mala and all the girls she met — the ones who fought back.”